Australian Space Company – aids in bushfire recovery

Australian space company, Geospatial Intelligence Pty Ltd, has continued its world-leading partnership with Geoimage Pty Ltd and Airbus Defence and Space, to deliver to the New South Wales Government, a second up-to-date, very-high resolution satellite image mosaic over the entire State.


Geospatial Intelligence Pty Limited, specialists in the provision and analysis of very high-resolution satellite imagery, has successfully fulfilled the requirements of the Environmental Spatial Programs of the NSW Department of Customer Services, to provide the Department with the data needed to enable the analysis of temporal changes in relevant areas of interest within the State.

Recent submissions by both the Australian Space Agency and the SmartSat CRC to Royal Commission into Bushfires, have highlighted the utility of spaced based earth observation.

The applicability of satellite earth observation is well demonstrated in this NSW government undertaking. The timing of capture of the second very-high resolution imagery, was directly after the devastating 2020 bushfires, and together with the initial coverage provided prior to the fire season, delivers a unique opportunity to compare affected areas. Post-fire, NSW government are now able to visually see the full extent and impact of these bushfires from space. The satellite imagery collected provides a powerful tool for monitoring the impact of this environmental disaster; for example, in verifying fire scars, assessments of property and infrastructure damage, and the mapping of vegetation changes. It can also be of assistance in the detailed examination of fire behaviour, fire intensity, and the effects of factors such as drought, weather, and land management.  The advantage of multiple collections of satellite imagery is that users are able to make relevant data-driven decisions for dynamic systems. The recent imagery collections can offer evidence-based information for use in bushfire recovery and future mitigation activities including; bushfire management planning, and determining current and future fuel loads.

The 2019 and 2020 epochs of imagery can also give the NSW Government insights applicable to urban sprawl and land-use planning, transport and infrastructure monitoring, agricultural mapping and compliance, water management and vegetation health.


NSW Mosaic 2019 (right) 2020 (left) – © Geospatial Intelligence Pty Ltd (2020) , Imagery © Airbus DS (2020)

Geospatial Intelligence through its international partners has access to numerous satellites with a variety of spaced-based sensors which allow imaging of the earth numerous times throughout the day and night.

“Our ability to task satellites daily to image in high resolution, large areas of the States and Territories, provides an incredible capability to Government and industry for monitoring natural disasters in near real time. It is encouraging to see that the NSW Government, along with a growing number of other government departments and private companies, are appreciating the value of very high-resolution imagery technology and Australian capability, and the efficiencies it can deliver in their particular undertakings.” said Geospatial Intelligence Pty Ltd CEO, Mr Rob Coorey.

From daily tasking of satellites, to the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning in the downstream analysis of the imagery, Australian industry, and companies like Geospatial Intelligence Pty Ltd are assisting in everything from agriculture monitoring, to oil spill detection in maritime waters.

Geospatial Intelligence Pty Limited (GI) has been providing satellite-derived geospatial products and services to both the private and public sectors since 2002.

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